In 1 Peter 1:4-12, We see a church that was being tested in ways that caused some to reconsider their faith. Peter reminded them that their faith was incredibly valuable as they endured many difficulties for the following reasons

  1. It was putting them under the PROTECTION of God

    V5 “And through your faith God is protecting by His power until you receive this salvation..”

  2. Their trials were PREPARING their faith

    V7 “These trials will show that your faith is genuine..”

  3. Their faith was the most PRECIOUS thing they possessed

    V7..”Though your faith is far more precious than gold..”

  4. Their faith will be PRAISED someday

    V7..”So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world.”

The world is increasingly pushing the christian to conform to it's mold, but we must remember that this worlds approval is not more precious than our glorious faith that will soon be turned to sight at the imminent return of Jesus Christ our Lord! KEEP THE FAITH!!!

Glenn Keaton1 Comment